Housing Affordability
Residents of Cotati were recently polled, and they cited the cost of housing as their greatest concern by a huge margin. I have been a committed and steadfast advocate for Affordable Housing, working to remove administrative barriers. City governments have few levers that they can pull to impact the overall cost of housing in the community, and I have worked hard to follow up on every idea that could possibly help. During my term, the City worked to streamline and reduce administrative hurdles for “missing middle” housing such as cottage courts, duplex, triplex, and fourplex housing that can be built more affordably by design. We need more creative housing solutions in Cotati that allow seniors to stay in their housing, workers to be able live near the areas they serve, and young people to start their lives without moving having to move away in search of attainable rent.
Inclusive Government
Cotati is a beautifully diverse city full of smart, passionate, talented people who are enthusiastic about making our community and our world better. Our local government should harness this energy by proactively engaging the public in guiding its priorities and making decisions.
Government works best when every voice is included and valued right from the start. Too often residents and stakeholders in Sonoma County can be left feeling that by the time they hear about an issue, a decision has already been made. I want all people in Cotati to feel a sense of ownership and membership in our government.
As a city council member, my top priorities will be to actively reach out to the community, to ensure that residents and small business owners have a clear and easy way to engage meaningfully in decisions large and small, and to make sure that marginalized and underrepresented voices are heard loud and clear.
Equitable Community
In 2020, anti-racism was one of my top campaign priorities. During my first term, I pushed to create and serve on an ad-hoc committee to advance greater equity in Cotati. As a result of that committee's work, the city now has Spanish bilingual preference and pay for police officers and dispatchers, and Spanish translation of city communications. A community police advisory committee will be up and running this year, as well as a grant program to encourage more cultural events in La Plaza Park. There is still much work to do, and I will continue to advocate for a just, equitable community that honors diversity as a source of strength.
Local Businesses
The local businesses in Cotati are what make it so quirky and special - they are the heart and soul of our community. This year has been an unmitigated disaster for many small businesses, and I want to do everything in my power to support business owners through this crisis. As a city council member I would move swiftly to identify and enact ways to support small businesses and bridge the gap until we have a vaccine.
Climate & Environment
Climate change is the greatest challenge that humanity has faced, and city leaders need to act boldly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions now. As a science teacher, communicating the realities of climate change to the public is one of the most important aspects of my job. At SRJC, I spearheaded the creation of the Global Climate Change class and co-wrote its curriculum. We need to use every possible tool at our disposal, and Cotati can be an outspoken voice in broader discussions about climate at the county level.
I will protect our local environment by engaging the community in caring for our streams and protecting our groundwater. I will look for ways to continue and grow partnerships with local conservation organizations to improve our sustainability and put people to work in the green economy.
Roundabouts and Traffic Safety
I think that roundabouts can be an effective tool for reducing vehicle collisions that cause serious injuries and fatalities. I would love for the city to be able to consider roundabouts as a potential design for future intersections. I support repealing the Cotati roundabout ban. I will also continue to advocate for increased bicycle and pedestrian safety on our pathways and roadways, as well as improved connectivity for residents on the west side near Gravenstein Highway.
Fiscal Responsibility
During my current term, I supported the City’s efforts to pay down our unfunded pension liabilities, saving the city hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in interest payments. We also adopted a Fiscal Resiliency policy that will help ensure the city’s long-term financial health. I will continue to make sure we operate at a substantial budget surplus each year during good times so that we can save up fund balance to complete major park improvements, road repairs, and continue investing in other infrastructure projects.